Enter the enchanting world of Middle-earth with the Frodo Baggins' Sting Sword Replica, an exquisite collectible that brings the legendary blade to life from THE LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy. This masterfully crafted sword features a 15-inch stainless steel blade, complete with authentic Sindarin inscriptions that glow blue to warn of Orcs. Passed down from Bilbo to Frodo, the Sting sword embodies a rich history and powerful legacy. With a solid metal guard and pommel, this replica is both a formidable weapon and a stunning piece of art, mounted on a wooden wall plaque for a spectacular display. Each sword comes with a certificate of authenticity, confirming its value as a genuine collectible.
Overall Length: 22 Inches
Blade Length: 15 Inches
Handle Length: 7 Inches
Blade Material: Stainless Steel
Handle Material: Solid Metal Guard & Pommel
Display: Wooden Wall Plaque
Claim your Frodo Baggins' Sting Sword Replica today and add a legendary piece of Middle-earth to your collection! Don’t miss out on owning this stunning collectible—order now!